Thursday, April 8, 2010

Yes! You Can Learn How to Bowl a Hook!

Here is the problem with trying to learn how to to bowl a hook. It is a completely UNNATURAL feeling. It is funny though - it is a completely natural, unnatural feeling! Does that make sense?? It is true though.

Why in the world would we want to try and throw a 15lb bowling ball with a spin? When you shoot a basketball, the "roll" of the ball is natural. When you throw a baseball, the "spin" is natural. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for a the hook on a bowling ball.

This is something that you have to learn because it is unnatural. The good news though is that if you ask one of those awesome bowlers in your bowling league, "How did you learn how to bowl a hook?"

I can almost guarantee that they are going to say that they "learned" how to do it. Why does this bode well for you? That is because it means that you too can learn the same thing!

The key of bowling a hook is that your wrist understands what you want it to do. That too sounds funny, but again it is true. You actually have to FORCE your wrist to do what you want it to. Just before your release, bring you wrist through as though you are going to shake someone's hand. That is where the rotation of the ball begins.

Here are some basic tips to get you started -

1. Slow Your Approach Down

When you rush your approach, you lose control of your arm movement. This will cause the ball to veer away from your desired target.

2. Big Back Swing

The power from the ball does not come from how strong you are rather your back swing. Let gravity do the work for you! A bowling ball is heavy and the gravity of the ball will give it power. The higher your back swing, the more power behind your throw!

3. Turn Your Wrist In Upon Release

It is not as hard as you think. When your arm is coming forward through your release, bring your palm up as if you are going to shake someone's hand. Do this just as you are releasing the ball to give you the rotation needed to bowl a hook!

Once you have that basic motion down, now you start working on your approach and ball speed. Believe it or not, this does not take that much time. With a bit of practice and perseverance, you will be a bowling pro in no time!

Here's the deal. I have been bowling for as long I can remember. I have always loved bowling. About 5 years ago though, I started to get fed up because my game was stuck in the 160 range. Why? Because I didn't have the proper knowledge and training to throw the perfect hook ball.

It was not until I read this great site - hook a bowling ball, was it that I realized exactly what I was doing wrong. This was my "light bulb" moment. Just a week after getting this information did my game increase by over 15 pins.

I have always been fortunate enough to bowl two perfect games as well maintain an average of over 210. I really do owe it all learning to bowl a hook ball. I am so grateful that I found the site of how to Bowl a Hook. Believe it or not, I was close to giving up bowling all together. I just did not think that I was capable of being a great bowler. I sure am glad I did and hope that you too do not give up. I am living proof that it works!

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