Saturday, May 15, 2010

How to Potty Train a Puppy - Tips on Making Your Task More Enjoyable

How to potty train a puppy does not involve a potty or trying to make it learn how to use one. Instead you will be trying to make your pet house trained by teaching it to eliminate outside instead of on the place it sleeps, or on any other location inside your house. You may also use the training to teach your puppy to eliminate at a designated place inside your home. This will prevent your house from getting smelly. You will also be able to avoid the task of taking care of the mess which a puppy is sure to leave everywhere around your home.

In order to make the task more enjoyable, do not look at a method on how to potty train a puppy as the unpleasant side of having a puppy. You should take it as the first step in the bonding process between pet and master, a process which will leave a healthy and happy relationship as a result. This relationship would be your reward for training your pet to be more responsible. You should start your potty training as soon as you get your puppy home and always have in mind that it still does not have a full control of its bowel and bladder movements yet.

Any method on how to potty train a puppy would be more effective if you are going to conduct each task at the same time each day. Do not give your pet food within four hours before bedtime or take away its water bowl two hours before going to sleep. This will disrupt the routine which is so essential in teaching him to do certain tasks. Training your puppy also involves getting yourself into a routine too. Since you will have to take it out at the same time in the morning and before going to sleep, you too should wake up and sleep at roughly the same time each day.

Your chosen system on training a puppy should involve taking it outside on your yard, for a walk around the neighborhood in the morning, about ten to fifteen minutes after each drink or meal and before retiring in the evening. Do not play with your pet until it has finished eliminating as it could disrupt his schedule. If you have been out for ten minutes already and there is still no sign that it will eliminate, take your pet back to its den and wait for around ten to fifteen minutes more. You should then take it out again.

Your method on how to potty train a puppy will be more effective if you give will give it praise and accompany it with a reward every time it does a task right. Your reward does not have to be in the form of food. It can be in the form of a small playing time which you and your pet can enjoy a lot. Until you have house trained your dog fully, try to restrict it to rooms that have washable floors to avoid a permanent stain on your flooring.

Click the links below to get your free dog behavior training tips and guide.

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